《黑塔利亚 The Beautiful World》的每集标题列表

  • EP00 - Each Battlefield Japan explains to Germany and Italy the very low accuracy of throwing stars (shuriken).
  • EP00 - Mochi Italy Debut of Mochitalia segments, starting with Mochi Italy.
  • EP00 - German Trial-and-Error Because of the war shortage and Austria's grouchiness, Germany makes coffee with dandelions as a substitute for coffee beans.
  • EP00 - Hardest vs Softest Another Mochitalia segment, this time with Mochi Germany.
  • EP00 - I(He)talian War Italy messes up on the artillery gun design for the M11/39 tank for the Italian Army.
  • EP00 - I(He)talian War Ver. 2 Italy shows Germany the upgraded "Carro Armato" tank for his army and gets choked from its inside smoke.
  • EP01 - Sorezore no senjō それぞれの戦場 - <i>(2013-01-25)
  • EP02 - Gakuen hetaria susume! Shinbun-bu! Zenhan 学園ヘタリア 進め!新聞部!前半 - <i>(2013-02-01)